uPVC Windows Or Aluminium Windows: Which Is Right For You?

Choosing the right frames for your windows can have a big impact on the overall functionality and aesthetic of your home. At Notaro Windows, we specialise in uPVC and aluminium windows in Somerset. These are our two most popular types of installation and there are several key differences between them. It’s important to carefully consider each of these before deciding on a set of aluminium or uPVC windows in Somerset. To help you decide we’ve put together a guide on which window is right for you.


The first thing to consider before deciding on a window frame is price. Due to the manufacturing costs, our aluminium windows in Somerset are considerably more expensive than the uPVC counterpart. Also, on average, aluminium is about twice as expensive as uPVC casement windows in Somerset. However, one thing to bear in mind is that aluminium windows typically last longer than uPVC. This means the cost of replacing them over the long term is reduced and they will save you money down the line. However, uPVC windows are also incredibly durable so you shouldn’t worry too much about their longevity.


All our aluminium and uPVC windows in Somerset are incredibly durable and easy to maintain. Both materials are very well-built and sturdy. Aluminium and uPVC have strong resistance to warping and rotting. Cleaning both materials is as easy as using a cloth and a bucket of water. There is nothing between them when it comes to maintenance.


When deciding on the aesthetic of your windows, a lot of it comes down to personal preference. We usually recommend that the windows are in keeping with the aesthetic of the property. More contemporary houses often benefit from aluminium windows. Both our aluminium and uPVC casement windows in Somerset come in a variety of colours. This means you can customise it to match the exterior of your home.

Energy efficiency

With energy prices rising so drastically across the UK, one of the most important considerations is energy efficiency. For a long time, uPVC windows were the pinnacle of insulation technology in window frames. However, in recent years the insulation technology in our aluminium windows in Somerset has improved. In 2022, both uPVC and aluminium windows will help you save money on your energy bills.


Since the introduction of uPVC windows, one of the biggest selling points has been their durability. They are weather resistant and won’t deteriorate over time. The lifespan of our uPVC sash windows in Somerset is usually around 30 years. In this area, aluminium windows have a slight advantage. Our premium aluminium windows in Somerset will last upwards of 50 years!


For security purposes, both aluminium and uPVC windows represent an upgrade over wooden frames. As both are incredibly secure, the advantage in this area goes to uPVC thanks to superior soundproofing. Our uPVC windows in Somerset are fantastic for blocking out sound coming from outside. This makes them the perfect solution if your property faces onto a road.

If you’re interested in our uPVC or aluminium windows in Somerset, get in contact with us at Notaro Windows. The team at our uPVC and aluminium windows company in Somerset are experts at a range of installations. Speak to a member of our team by filling out our contact form or give us a call on 01278 662298.