Keep the Air in Your Home Clean

Everyone loves to walk through the door at the end of a long day at work and breathe in the smell of home. Although your home is your sanctuary, pollutants can still make their way into it and if you don’t keep the air clean then you could be doing your health a disservice. As experts in home improvement, here are a few tips to purify your Somerset home.


Air Purifiers

notaro_orangeryWhile efficient, air purifiers can be expensive and increase your electricity bill. Try a natural option like those suggested below. While opening the windows throughout your home does encourage airflow, it does not solve the problem of possible pollutants.


Beeswax Candles

Candles are great. They set the mood and create a soft lighting option for those with sensitive eyes. However most candles are made using paraffin, which means that when they burn, they’ll release petroleum by-products such as benzene. These can irritate and affect people with allergies or asthma so the best way to go is with a beeswax candle. Although slightly more expensive, they don’t release any nasties, scent or smoke and they also burn slower, so might end up saving a few pennies here and there while also preserving your health.



Everyone remembers Biology class and the role that nature plays in recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen. A similar process can also occur with plants and indoor pollutants, which is why it’s beneficial to have a bit of green dotted around your home.

–       A well-placed chrysanthemum on the kitchen or dining room wouldn’t look out of place and because they love sunlight, it wouldn’t be dangerous to leave them in the conservatory.

–       Ivy’s plus point is that it is particularly adept at absorbing benzene, which beyond being released by paraffin candles can also be found in most inks, paints and plastics.

–       If you’re a smoker you should think about getting a spider plant for your home. Formaldehyde is a chemical by-product of cigarette smoke as well as plastic shopping bags.


Notaro Windows has been serving the people of Somerset in the field of home improvement for over 20 years. To find out more about our windows and doors, give us a call on 01278 662 298 or fill in our contact form.